Forks are Evil
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Since I finally finished grad school, I've started getting back into my MUGEN projects, picking up what I'd more or less dropped a few months ago. Part of that effort (well, right now all of it) is going towards the Blackest Night edition of Hal Jordan, Green/Red/Orange/Yellow/Blue/Indigo/Black Lantern.
A while back, at the tail end of ScruffyVersary, I released a private "preview" beta of Red Lantern Hal as a contest prize. That version was a brand-new character (RLHal), created mostly from my old GLHal but with some sprites and code from Seth's play-balanced version and some new sprites added for the new Red-specific moves. So now that I'm creating Blackest Night Hal, I have FOUR forks—four separate versions of Hal that all came from the original source—on my machine: GLHal (the original), Seth_GL (play-balanced with additions), RLHal (Red-only moves), and HalJordan (the beginnings of the new release).
Each of the three older versions of the character contain stuff that the other two don't have, all of which I want to put into the new one. I've got the code more or less harmonized (still a few tweaks from Seth I'd like to adapt, but he changed animation numbers to suit his own programming style, so it's a little tricky), but building the unified sprite file is going to take longer. I've been at it for several hours tonight, and am just barely making a dent. Slow going, but ultimately once this part is done, the only other mouse-required part will be implementing the smart palette sprites that my buddy Jet the Phoenix did for me. Everything else, I can do on my netbook, on the commute to and from work. So there's a lot of incentive for me to get the sprite work done ASAP.
To leave you on a high note, here's the work-in-progress character with the custom stances for Red and Orange modes:
Orange Lantern Hal vs Red Lantern Hal (Elseworlds, maybe...?)
See you next week!
Labels: Blackest Night Hal
I am going to do this in the sprites to show you and send you a pm
@arma: I'll look forward to seeing what you've got in mind, I think it's a great idea. :)
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