New portait
Sunday, September 06, 2009
(First off, sorry for the apparent "filler" nature of this post; the next episode of "Hal Jordan: Blackest Night Edition" is coming soon, but I'm still working out the kinks in the palette and how I want the intro to work, before I post it.)With the above caveat out of the way, I wanted to show off the awesome portrait ScruffyDragon forum member The Arlequin just did for our in-progress Mandarin character:
![portrait of the Mandarin, by Arlequin](
Isn't that awesome? It's now the image on both the Character Select and Mandarin pages of the site. Thanks again, Arlequin! :D
I also tweaked the code that I was using to generate my tag cloud on the sidebar... the maximum and minimum text sizes were too outrageous, especially considering how many different tags I am using. So hopefully you'll agree that it looks better now.
Since this is a long weekend here in the U.S., hopefully you'll be seeing "Bluish-Green Lantern" Hal on Monday.
-Edit- Fixed internal page links.
Thanks man... they were relative links, so were working fine if viewed from the front page, but not from the archive/post page. D'oh!
Anyway, it should be fixed now. Thanks for catching that.
Anyway, it should be fixed now. Thanks for catching that.
also hoping you guys can make a good regular big portrait, ya know, some action pose or something for the select screen?
The key to the Mandarin is understanding that he's not like a Green Lantern at all. He's more like Deathstroke or Prometheus, a martial artist and devious prep-master. His rings are more about getting the guy off balance for his martial arts attacks. Kind of like Sub-Zero.
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