There are HOW many Capcom-original Marvel characters?!?

Friday, May 31, 2013

So last week, in talking about the long-term plan for Parasite's stolen-power moves, I said I was planning to support:

… a plurality of DC and Marvel heavy-hitters, hopefully all Capcom-produced Marvel characters and all the great MUGEN-only ones. Then I'll do like TwinImage suggested, and implement a handful of generic power sets for all other characters he might encounter, including things like strength, speed, super-armor, etc.

Seems reasonable, right?

Earlier this week I actually sat down and compiled the rosters of all the Capcom-produced fighting games with Marvel characters, and guess what I learned?

All Capcom Marvel characters (to eventually support...? Eeek!)

X-Men:Children of the Atom
Cyclops, Psylocke, Wolverine, Storm, Colossus, Iceman, Omega Red, Sentinel, Spiral, Silver Samurai, Juggernaut, Magneto
Marvel Super Heroes
Hulk, Wolverine, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, Psylocke, Magneto, Shuma-Gorath, Blackheart, Juggernaut, Dr. Doom, Thanos
X-Men vs Street Fighter
Cyclops, Wolverine, Rogue, Gambit, Storm, Sabretooth, Juggernaut, Magneto, Apocalypse
Marvel Superheroes vs Street Fighter
Cyclops, Spider-Man, Captain America, Wolverine, Hulk, Shuma-Gorath, Blackheart, Omega Red, Apocalypse
Marvel vs Capcom
Captain America, Gambit, Hulk, Spider-Man, Venom, War Machine, Wolverine, Onslaught
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Cyclops, Doctor Doom, Sentinel, Blackheart, Captain America, Gambit, Hulk, Iceman, Iron Man, Juggernaut, Magneto, Silver Samurai, Omega Red, War Machine, Rogue, Sabretooth, Colossus, Shuma-Gorath, Wolverine, Cable, Storm, Thanos, Psylocke, Spider-Man, Marrow, Wolverine (Bone Claws), Spiral, Venom
Marvel vs Capcom 3
Deadpool, Doctor Strange, Dormammu, Galactus, Ghost Rider, Hawkeye, Iron Fist, MODOK, Nova, Phoenix, Rocket Raccoon, She-Hulk, Super-Skrull, Taskmaster, Thor, X-23


So then I filtered through all of that and got a single list of all Capcom-created Marvel characters:

  1. !Apocalypse
  2. *Blackheart
  3. *Cable
  4. #Captain America
  5. *Colossus
  6. #Cyclops
  7. #Deadpool
  8. Doctor Strange
  9. Dormammu
  10. #Dr. Doom
  11. !Galactus
  12. *Gambit
  13. #Ghost Rider
  14. Hawkeye
  15. #Hulk
  16. #Iceman
  17. Iron Fist
  18. #Iron Man
  19. #Juggernaut
  20. MODOK
  21. *Magneto
  22. #Marrow
  23. Nova
  24. #Omega Red
  25. !Onslaught
  26. *Phoenix
  27. *Psylocke
  28. Rocket Raccoon
  29. @Rogue
  30. Sabretooth
  31. *Sentinel
  32. *She-Hulk
  33. *Shuma-Gorath
  34. *Silver Samurai
  35. #Spider-Man
  36. #Spiral
  37. #Storm
  38. $Super-Skrull
  39. Taskmaster
  40. #Thanos
  41. #Thor
  42. #Venom
  43. %War Machine
  44. #Wolverine
  45. ^X-23

That's a big list!

Looking over this list, I had several observations:

  • # – These are the ones I support already; 18 out of 45... :-P
  • * – I've had tentative plans to support these ones in the future, and in many cases have ripped sprites / drawn (or been given) power set icons, etc
  • ! – These ones are huge boss characters; maybe I won't support them, since even though they may be playable, they're not going to be common
  • $ – Super-Skrull I can kind of punt on, and just cough up a random FF-based power set ;)
  • % – War Machine is more or less just a copy of Iron Man, so maybe I can cheat and use the same power set for both...?
  • ^ – X-23, I might be able to get away with just treating like Wolverine... #maybenot
  • @ – ... and then there's Rogue. I really have no idea how to deal with the Rogues out there, since, as a power-drainer herself, she doesn't have many original attacks. Ranked easiest to hardest, here are my options:
    1. ignore her / treat her like an unpowered opponent (i.e. just get a random health/power boost)
    2. treat her like my MarvelTemplate character, and get a random Marvel power set
    3. create a custom power set based on her few non-stolen moves
    4. try and figure out what power set she's got and copy it (ugh, HARD)

This week, I went ahead and added support for Super Skrull, giving up a random power set from one of the Fantastic Four:

Parasite fighting Super-Skrull
I love the "Elastic Slam" special from Mr. Fantastic's power set. I especially love the irony that I got the idea from Super Skrull's MvC3 move. :)

Even with all of these caveats and special-cases, that leaves me with more power sets to add than I a) have room for in my power-stealing code, and b) have time to actually implement! Plus, it completely leaves out any of the other community-created Marvel characters that I'd like to support, like Luke Cage, Scarlet Witch, Wasp, Giant Man, etc.

So I guess I'm going to have to think long & hard about this.

Meanwhile, there's plenty to fix in the power sets he already has! Guess that means it's time to get back to work!


Powerset Drain

Friday, May 24, 2013

Last week, I asked for ideas on new power sets to give to Parasite, and you guys came through, thanks!

Two commenters, one anonymous and one my friend TwinImage, pointed out that I can't keep adding power sets forever, or else Parasite will never be "done". They're both right, but I don't want to pull out all the power sets I've put in, because I've grown quite attached to some of them. I think what I'm going to end up doing is this: I'll provide complete support for a plurality of DC and Marvel heavy-hitters, hopefully all Capcom-produced Marvel characters and all the great MUGEN-only ones. Then I'll do like TwinImage suggested, and implement a handful of generic power sets for all other characters he might encounter, including things like strength, speed, super-armor, etc.

I'd hoped to have some screenshots of new stuff to show this week, but I've been working out of town, and MUGEN doesn't work on my Mac. So next week, we'll see what we see.


Parasite says, "What's new on the menu?"

Friday, May 17, 2013

Someone mentioned last week in the comments to my previous post that they're excited to see if I add support for any new DC/Marvel characters to Parasite. At first, I kind of mentally resisted the idea, thinking that I had a huge list of buggy & incomplete moves to finish before I think about anything new.

And that's true. BUT...

This isn't a promise that I'm going to actually implement any new power sets, but I'm asking you all to comment below: what's new and cool in the past few years in the DC/Marvel MUGEN world? Also, what characters have you downloaded that you think Parasite should already support, and doesn't? (for example, I'm pretty sure if I tried to power drain Verz & Loganir's new Astonishing Cyclops that I wouldn't actually get a Cyclops power set in return)

As a reminder, here's his current 60 power sets (30 DC, 30 Marvel):

Parasite power sets
Parasite's power sets
SupermanCaptain America
BatmanSavage Hulk
Wonder WomanThor
GLIron Man
Plastic ManWolverine
Lex LuthorDr. Doom
DarkseidGhost Rider
SuperboyStrong Guy
DoomsdayMr. Fantastic
Poison IvyInvisible Woman
The AtomThe Thing
Martian ManhunterHuman Torch
Shazam/Captain MarvelSilver Surfer
Red Lantern (Atrocitus)Songbird
Agent Orange (Larfleeze)Omega Red
Indigo LanternRhino
Star SapphireIceman
Black LanternStorm

I've got room for 20 more from each side (not that I'm going to tackle 40 more, sheesh), so let the suggestions fly!


Refocus (Maybe?)

Friday, May 10, 2013

It's no secret to anyone that I'm fighting a bad case of MUGEN burnout. I thought when I quit my job back in February to follow my passion and join an exciting new startup in Silicon Valley, I'd have way more free time for MUGEN and freelance game development than I did before. Turns out I've been so excited about the stuff we're building (hopefully more on that soon), that I haven't done much else, code-wise.

Plus, getting a house ready to sell is a HUGE time-sink.

Anyway, I wanted to say that I'm going to try something that I haven't attempted for a few years: making myself a blogging schedule.

Like here, my writing over on my other blog has crawled to a standstill, but like here, I want to keep blogging, and keep doing interesting work worth blogging about. Here's what I've started trying to do this week, after my sweetheart & kids are in bed (so far so good):

  • Monday & Wednesday: MUGEN character work
  • Tuesday & Thursday: Web work (mostly JavaScript game development lately)
  • Friday: new post here on my MUGEN blog
  • Saturday: new post on my Palagpat Coding
  • Sunday: rest

So, with that bit of site news out of the way, what did I work on this week? Two words: Parasite bugs. Namely, play testing the most current version of his code, identifying issues, and starting to fix them. He's slowly but surely getting better, which makes me happy.

I've also got an idea for a new Spoiler Alert (if you remember that old feature of the blog, you've been around here a while), inspired by my going to see the awesome Iron Man 3 with my comic-loving kids last weekend. I think it'll be fun. :)

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