Custom punches for Doomsday & Ice

Friday, June 12, 2009

My partner Jet the Phoenix continues his great work on designing custom powerset-based attacks for Parasite... here are the custom punches for Doomsday and Ice:

custom punches

(Note that the Doomsday character in the above screenshot is just a "ragdoll" I put together with a few sprites from DeanJo and Kal-Elvis. It's not finished, it's not public, and no I won't trade you for it. It's just a test dummy I use for Parasite, until the real one's done.)

Someone sent me a message this week, saying that he was afraid that Parasite was maybe getting TOO awesome, and all of this custom stuff we're throwing in will make the character bloated and slow. All I can say in response is, we're shooting for a truly unique experience here, and I'll do all I can to make sure he's the best -- and most bug-free -- as he can be.


Where can I get that awsome Doomsday?
Regarding Doomsday, I refer you to the contents of my post:
"(Note that the Doomsday character in the above screenshot is just a "ragdoll" I put together with a few sprites from DeanJo and Kal-Elvis. It's not finished, it's not public, and no I won't trade you for it. It's just a test dummy I use for Parasite, until the real one's done.)"
*sigh* Do people not read the text of my posts?

It's not my character, I don't have private betas, and I have no idea when he'll be done. What you see is a "ragdoll" -- he literally has a stance, and nothing else. Not even get-hit sprites. I only have him as a placeholder in my roster for doing Parasite tests. Meanwhile, you'll have to be content with the one on Infinity's forum.
why do you guys think that omega red is a counter for parasite? would the mimic be a better counter??
@Anon: the DC/Marvel counters don't have to be exact matches, for one thing. For another, both Parasite and Omega are energy-stealers. Yes, Mimic is a power-copier, but he doesn't actually hurt the people he mimics, IIRC. Anyway, that's just our team's opinion and you're free to do whatever you want with your own MUGEN. ;)

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