There are HOW many Capcom-original Marvel characters?!?
Friday, May 31, 2013
So last week, in talking about the long-term plan for Parasite's stolen-power moves, I said I was planning to support:
… a plurality of DC and Marvel heavy-hitters, hopefully all Capcom-produced Marvel characters and all the great MUGEN-only ones. Then I'll do like TwinImage suggested, and implement a handful of generic power sets for all other characters he might encounter, including things like strength, speed, super-armor, etc.
Seems reasonable, right?
Earlier this week I actually sat down and compiled the rosters of all the Capcom-produced fighting games with Marvel characters, and guess what I learned?
All Capcom Marvel characters (to eventually support...? Eeek!)
- X-Men:Children of the Atom
- Cyclops, Psylocke, Wolverine, Storm, Colossus, Iceman, Omega Red, Sentinel, Spiral, Silver Samurai, Juggernaut, Magneto
- Marvel Super Heroes
- Hulk, Wolverine, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, Psylocke, Magneto, Shuma-Gorath, Blackheart, Juggernaut, Dr. Doom, Thanos
- X-Men vs Street Fighter
- Cyclops, Wolverine, Rogue, Gambit, Storm, Sabretooth, Juggernaut, Magneto, Apocalypse
- Marvel Superheroes vs Street Fighter
- Cyclops, Spider-Man, Captain America, Wolverine, Hulk, Shuma-Gorath, Blackheart, Omega Red, Apocalypse
- Marvel vs Capcom
- Captain America, Gambit, Hulk, Spider-Man, Venom, War Machine, Wolverine, Onslaught
- Marvel vs Capcom 2
- Cyclops, Doctor Doom, Sentinel, Blackheart, Captain America, Gambit, Hulk, Iceman, Iron Man, Juggernaut, Magneto, Silver Samurai, Omega Red, War Machine, Rogue, Sabretooth, Colossus, Shuma-Gorath, Wolverine, Cable, Storm, Thanos, Psylocke, Spider-Man, Marrow, Wolverine (Bone Claws), Spiral, Venom
- Marvel vs Capcom 3
- Deadpool, Doctor Strange, Dormammu, Galactus, Ghost Rider, Hawkeye, Iron Fist, MODOK, Nova, Phoenix, Rocket Raccoon, She-Hulk, Super-Skrull, Taskmaster, Thor, X-23
So then I filtered through all of that and got a single list of all Capcom-created Marvel characters:
- !Apocalypse
- *Blackheart
- *Cable
- #Captain America
- *Colossus
- #Cyclops
- #Deadpool
- Doctor Strange
- Dormammu
- #Dr. Doom
- !Galactus
- *Gambit
- #Ghost Rider
- Hawkeye
- #Hulk
- #Iceman
- Iron Fist
- #Iron Man
- #Juggernaut
- *Magneto
- #Marrow
- Nova
- #Omega Red
- !Onslaught
- *Phoenix
- *Psylocke
- Rocket Raccoon
- @Rogue
- Sabretooth
- *Sentinel
- *She-Hulk
- *Shuma-Gorath
- *Silver Samurai
- #Spider-Man
- #Spiral
- #Storm
- $Super-Skrull
- Taskmaster
- #Thanos
- #Thor
- #Venom
- %War Machine
- #Wolverine
- ^X-23
That's a big list!
Looking over this list, I had several observations:
- # – These are the ones I support already; 18 out of 45... :-P
- * – I've had tentative plans to support these ones in the future, and in many cases have ripped sprites / drawn (or been given) power set icons, etc
- ! – These ones are huge boss characters; maybe I won't support them, since even though they may be playable, they're not going to be common
- $ – Super-Skrull I can kind of punt on, and just cough up a random FF-based power set ;)
- % – War Machine is more or less just a copy of Iron Man, so maybe I can cheat and use the same power set for both...?
- ^ – X-23, I might be able to get away with just treating like Wolverine... #maybenot
- @ – ... and then there's Rogue. I really have no idea how to deal with the Rogues out there, since, as a power-drainer herself, she doesn't have many original attacks. Ranked easiest to hardest, here are my options:
- ignore her / treat her like an unpowered opponent (i.e. just get a random health/power boost)
- treat her like my MarvelTemplate character, and get a random Marvel power set
- create a custom power set based on her few non-stolen moves
- try and figure out what power set she's got and copy it (ugh, HARD)
This week, I went ahead and added support for Super Skrull, giving up a random power set from one of the Fantastic Four:
Even with all of these caveats and special-cases, that leaves me with more power sets to add than I a) have room for in my power-stealing code, and b) have time to actually implement! Plus, it completely leaves out any of the other community-created Marvel characters that I'd like to support, like Luke Cage, Scarlet Witch, Wasp, Giant Man, etc.
So I guess I'm going to have to think long & hard about this.
Meanwhile, there's plenty to fix in the power sets he already has! Guess that means it's time to get back to work!
Labels: Parasite
[ontopic] nice progress on parasite. i tink you should do one hyper, (maybe lvl 3 if you dont want to see it overused) where he got 2 random power sets, that should help when he fight against someone out of his list.
@NX: yeah, more or less, I guess. :^)
Might I suggest you make a list of the generic power sets you want to include and see how many of the Capcom made Marvel characters they accommodate?
There's also DC characters, which I feel is more appropriate to accommodate since Parasite is a DC character. But it's up to you, do what you like and is fun, that's what it's all about! ;)
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